Fine Photography of Sierra Fall Color |
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This shot of Hope Valley Fall Color is dramatic as it appears in layers of Color. This was shot just before an early October Storm dropped several inches of snow. |
12 x 18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Lundy Lake is located on the Eastern side of the Sierras from Yosemite National Park. The steep Mountains are streaked with fall color. On this fortunate morning, the lake reflected these streaks of awesome color. Absolutely amazing! |
12 x 18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Beaver Pond is a shallow pond in Lundy Canyon, just about a mile West of Lundy Lake. It was a bitter cold morning with a breeze. When the sun finally bathed the pond with light, the beautiful colors were awe inspiring. The pond is full of Beaver Dams and fallen logs. |
12 x 18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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This is one of my very favorite Fall Color images of the Sierras. This "Cabin in the Woods" is in Hope Valey. The Fall Colors frame this beautiful scene. |
12 x 18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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This beautiful image is my second-favorite Sierra Fall Color shot. Just West of Carson Pass, this "Fall Picnic Spot" just invites you to stop and enjoy the scene. |
12 x 18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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An awesome shot of a Fisherman and his son navigating a small fishing boat on the color-streaked Lundy Lake. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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An image of the brilliant Aspen leaves that blanket the forest floor. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Lundy Lake is so beautiful, it deserved another shot. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The glow of the Aspen Colors on Monitor Pass is spectacular! |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Just South of Lee Vining, a beautiful canyon goes deep into the Valley of Lee Vining Creek. This Valley was sheltered from a Storm that brought snow and chilling wind to Lundy Canyon. Lee Vining Creek flows through some strikingly beautiful Fall Colors. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The east Carson River meanders through an Aspen lined canyon. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The white bark of the Quacking Aspen has been used for centuries to mark a trail or leave a personal marking. Even bears mark their trail with a swipe of a claw. These bear markings are hard to find, but a real prize to photograph. This is one of my future quests. |
$325.00 |
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Occasionally one sees things in the trees. This image portraits an almost ghostly figure trying to frighten-off any creatures traveling through its forest. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The fall Color seems to cascade down the mountainside in Lundy Canyon. Almost a firefall of color! |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The thick Aspen Forest near Capels Lake has an awesome display of yellow and red Fall Color. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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This Aspen forest is just beginning to show its color. The yellow leaves are a contrast to the green foliage behind. |
$325.00 |
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This is one of my favorite shots of the 2008 Sierra Fall Color trip. Inspired by my brother's vision, this wide-angle shot follows the twisted Aspen branch as it points to the sky! |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Just South of Lee Vining, a beautiful canyon goes deep into the Valley of Lee Vining Creek. This Valley was sheltered from a Storm that brought snow and chilling wind to Lundy Canyon. Lee Vining Creek flows through some strikingly beautiful Fall Colors. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Just South of Lee Vining, a beautiful canyon goes deep into the Valley of Lee Vining Creek. This Valley was sheltered from a Storm that brought snow and chilling wind to Lundy Canyon. Lee Vining Creek flows through some strikingly beautiful Fall Colors. This shot looks Eastward toward Mono Lake. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The thick Aspen Forest near Capels Lake has an awesome display of yellow and red Fall Color. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Along picturesque Highway 88 lies the serene Kirkwood Meadow. In Winter this is a busy ski community. In the Fall this beautiful meadow is a large pasture complete with meandering brooks and flanked by the yellow Aspen. These white horses were very friendly and photogenic. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Some Aspens have a very twisted trunk. With a little imagination these twisted trunks can take on shapes of mystery or evoke a sense of movement. These twisted trunks appear to be dancing. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The thick Aspen Forest near Capels Lake has an awesome display of yellow and red Fall Color. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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Hope Valley is one of my favorite destinations for awesome Fall Color. My "Cabin in the Woods" shot as well as the first image in this series, "Layers of Color", are other fine examples of this beautiful and picturesque valley. This shot is looking South-West from the Highway 88 bridge over the Carson River. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |
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The awesome color of Lee Vining Creek is captured in this shot along the Lee Vining Creek. |
12x18 inch print, matted and framed to 18 x 24 inches. |
$325.00 |