Hot Honey Mustard

Hot Honey Mustard ©2006,wolf dietrich
Hot Honey Mustard is another of my favorite digital paintings. This image was inspired by an on-camera technique of zooming into the shot during a long exposure. Having seen somewhat questionable images that tried to capture the technique I decided to use Photoshop to make this image pop! This painting began with a capture of a bee descending upon a mustard flower. With a circular selection of the flower and bee copied to a new layer and feathered, a motion blur was placed onto several low opacity layers of the background yielding this awesome result.
Unfortunately this masterpiece failed to attract the scrutiny of the judges at the Napa Valley Mustard Festival Photo Contest. However I did win the KVYN Napa Valley Radio Station Mustard Festival Photo Contest with it in 2006. The winnings consisted of two tickets to the Mumms Photo Finish.